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참고 Route 53를 사용하여 도메인을 다른 도메인으로 리디렉션 닫기 Franklin 씨의 동영상을 통해 자세히 알아보기(4:47) aws.amazon.com How do I redirect a naked (apex) domain to www using Route 53? I need to do a 301 redirect from example.com to www.example.com using Route 53 (and S3 if necessary). There are a few solutions for similar problems but they either do not address how to redirect f... stackoverflow.com Using Application Load Bal..
기술개발/AWS 2022. 12. 17. 23:54
참고 Route 53를 사용하여 도메인을 다른 도메인으로 리디렉션 닫기 Franklin 씨의 동영상을 통해 자세히 알아보기(4:47) aws.amazon.com How do I redirect a naked (apex) domain to www using Route 53? I need to do a 301 redirect from example.com to www.example.com using Route 53 (and S3 if necessary). There are a few solutions for similar problems but they either do not address how to redirect f... stackoverflow.com Using Application Load Bal..